Thursday, January 3, 2013

3 Gotcha's that Cause Skin Problems

There are so many reasons why people from all ages and all walks of life have skin issues and problems. Remember our skin is a gauge as to how we are doing in all 3 realms of ( mind, body and soul) emotionally, physically and spiritually. When talking with other gals the 3 biggest and common reasons are:
  1. Not enough REST (ahhhh wouldn't 8 hours a night be great every night?)
  2. S-T-R-E-S-S (okay, take a deep breath, it does help ) ...and here's the 3rd, drum roll please....
  3. Hormones!!!!!

Keep your hands away from your face!

Let's take the first issue: Getting Enough Rest. There's enough research out there that confirms the body needs 7-9 hours of rest. Everyone is different in what is needed. Bottom line is however many hours you need to feel refreshed the next day make sure you are consistent in the amount and what part of the evening you are going to sleep. The body's biorhythms play a big role in one's overall health. Remember our skin is like a thermometer that tells us how we are doing. Though, you may not see it one day, but by the end of the week with very little sleep, you will notice a difference.  As one get's older into the 40's or 50's and beyond it  doesn't take a week to feel it! More like a day or 2. 

Stress Those that are fortunate enough not to let the daily little things get to them have this cornered and under control! Unlike most people who worry about every little thing to all the big things they are full of stress. So it's just best to learn how to control all the stuff in your life and let it go. Yes, for many it's easier said than done, but it's the doing of it that actually makes one learn to live life to the best and not worry so much. Anxiety plays havoc on our skin and our faces wear oh so well. Look at people who have a constant frown around their face or the furrowed lines on the forehead and they're only in their 20's !!! Learn to relax and give yourself time for you. What ever that is and how ever long it is it's all good.

Hormones Going from pre-teen, to teenagers then to young adults to mid 30's and or having children and postpartum then to pre menopause to menopause... at some point in our lives it feels like we never get off the roller coaster of feeling all the hormonal changes. Well our skin goes through it too. But there is something we can do about it. It's all about the metabolism. What types of foods as well as when we consume needed calories and nutrients makes a world of difference. It's a known fact certain types of foods are more difficult to digest and or are just not good for the body, and many times our skin shows it! Chocolate is one of those God-sends that is GOOD for the skin due to the antioxidants :) Additionally, to help with balancing your hormones, exercise is always a good idea. Combine a program that includes cardio, resistance training and stretching. Finally, always consult your doctor if your skin concerns are not improving. 

Here are some good links for more research in this area of discussion:
Hormones and how they affect the Skin

What do you feel are the 3 'gotchas' that cause you any skin issues?

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