Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Motivational Quote for the Day

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step."
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)

What do you think, Beautiful? Love, Something Beautiful

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

5 Foods that Keep You Going!

 5 Foods That Help Keep You Energized

We know that UnFranchise® owners are very busy people who work from dawn to dusk – and then some! Since running out of energy just isn’t an option for you, feeding your body well is essential. So rather than reaching for yet another cup o’ joe, here is our list of 5 energy-rich foods you should incorporate into your diet.
Did you know that eggs contain the highest complete form of protein than any other food? And don’t think that protein is only good for maintaining muscle mass; protein is essential for keeping your energy levels up, keeping you fuller longer, and it doesn’t cause a spike your blood sugar. Whether you eat eggs scrambled or sunny side up, choosing eggs for breakfast is a great way to start your day off right!

Brown rice
Why is brown rice so much healthier for you than white rice? It all goes back to the way the grains are manufactured. White rice starts out brown, but it’s milled to remove the outer layer of the grain where the fiber and nutrients reside. Less fiber means your body converts the carbohydrates into glucose (“energy”) faster than your body needs, causing a spike in excess blood sugar. And when your blood sugar spikes, you can bank on an energy crash an hour or two later. Brown rice on the other hand retains all of the nutrients found in the outer layer of the grain, which helps keep you full without spiking your blood sugar.
Yes, we know that water is not technically a food, but if you want to keep your energy levels up, you have to drink up. When you’re dehydrated, your cells use energy less efficiently, which causes fatigue. To ensure that you’re drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day, keep a bottle on your desk, in your car, and anywhere else that will make it easy to reach for. Juices, sodas, and coffee are not substitutes for H2O, but feel free to dress your water up with lemon slices or mint to make it more palatable.
Did you know that cashews, almonds, and hazelnuts are rich in protein and magnesium, a mineral that helps convert sugar into energy? If you feel like you’re running low on energy, try incorporating more magnesium- rich foods into your diet. If getting enough magnesium proves to be challenging for you, incorporating a magnesium supplement into your diet might be the way to go.
Fresh fruits
Snacking on fresh fruit will help keep you energized, satiated, and hydrated. Apples, strawberries, and pears are great choices because of their high fiber, good carbs, healthy nutrients, and water content. Go a step further and combine fresh fruit with a source of healthy fat and protein for a well-rounded snack that will keep your energy levels up while keeping hunger away for hours. For example: snack on apples slices with a serving of natural peanut butter, or try pairing a pear with a few squares of cheddar cheese.

These are our favorite foods for staying energized, but we want to hear from you! Tell us in the comments below what you like to snack on to keep you going all day long!

How to Create Happiness in Your Life


How happy you with your life? Are you just letting others think you are happy but deep down you’re not 100% happy and not sure why the prosperity, abundance and good things that you want and deserve are not occurring yet?

I understand and  have learned over the years that being happy is a state of consciousness. It's a state of well being that is not just needed for the mind, but for heart and sole. Its’ a state of mind that we can either choose to be or not, but in the end it’s always an individual choice as to how one will react or respond to a circumstance or situation. This reflects exactly how the body is doing as well as our outer appearance!

For example, one can either decide when they wake up in the morning and something happens to either say to themselves, “oh, it’s going to be one of those days.” or “Yup, another crappy day ahead”.  Maybe the coffee pot overflowed and you noticed it when you got into the kitchen. Or may you woke up to your cat having a ‘hairball’ on the bed and you know you have to clean it up! What ever the circumstance is being pissed off at the world because there was coffee in the pot or forgeting to dump it the night before, are choices. Instead, just say, ‘oh well, let me clean it’ and not give any more thought, other than, “hey it’s not the end of world and what’s big deal ….see where I’m going with this? Use your emotions for positive things.

We all experience life struggles (the negatives) and I don’t have to list them. But you don’t have to let your day control you.  Additional, you don’t have to let other people’s negativity affect you where you may even start mouthing off to others around you.
Take Control of your thoughts

The key are your thoughts. Thoughts are things and what ever thoughts you have and put out there they will come back to you and or your circumstance in other negative forms.
Now let’s break that down. It does not matter whether your thoughts are positive or negative, you will get what you have asked for even though you didn’t come right out and ask to sit in a traffic jam, while it’s raining and you’re appointment was expecting you 20 minutes ago!  Understand there must have been some negative thought (s) or action (s) that created this outcome!

Here are 5 daily actions that can bring more happiness, positive outcomes and calmness in your life.

1. Gratitude

Being grateful for the things and your loved ones that are in your life is key #1 to changing the mindset to thinking positive and instilling good feelings.  If your the type of person that needs to write it down, than go for it. Everyday, write down 3 things your are grateful for. If you really want to kick start your day, before getting out of bed, think about who and what around you that you are grateful and appreciative for. It can be the roof over your head, if you have a cat or dog, think of them and how they give you unconditional love, or being appreciative of having a computer to receive information from, like this post! Bottom line-learn to say thank you all during the day and you will see a big change in your life for the better!

2. Understand “Thoughts are Things”

If you are having negative thoughts either about your self or something you saw, hear or participating in gossip (yes, that is drawing negativity to you),  STOP! Reverse your thoughts and actions to something positive [thoughts].
For example, if you say to yourself, “Oh, I hope there’s no traffic jam or accident while driving to work”. You are actually putting the thought out there that of course there is going to be issues with you getting to work on time. Instead, put the thought out there by knowing, “Hey, this is going to be a great day to drive and will enjoy it. Plus, I am going to get the perfect parking spot!” See the difference

3. Be Creative

When you use your imagination, you can create what ever it is. The Law of Attraction works with our power of thought. Just use these 3 simple steps in your creative process: Ask, Believe, and Receive.

4. Exercise

Exercise does both the body and mind good! Exercising releases endorphins create good feelings as well as lots of great energy! If you are not sure where to start with an exercise program, feel free to contact me and I would be happy to assist. Here are some ideas: take a walk, get up from the computer and use your stairs to go up and down at a comfortable pace and then stretch. If you don’t have stairs, walk around the house or apt. (if walking outside is not conducive) and stretch before sitting back down. Take your dog for an extra walk and or play with him or her outside and move around. Start doing push ups! (These are great because it will raise the heart rate, as well as provide resistant work to the muscles! Just get the body moving!

5. Smile – Kindness Goes a Long Way

I love this! When you around others, give a smile, ask them, “how are you?” and see how YOU make them smile, and hear them reply, “Oh, I’m good.., how are you.” It’s natural for humans to reflect back the same question. But here’s where you can make a world of difference and feel so good and happy. When they ask you the same question,  just reply with a smile, ” I’m better for your asking.” I guarantee you that the exchange of positive energy will be enormous and you will feel such gratitude for the experience!
You can take this one step further and perform one random act of kindness daily. Help out a stranger, compliment a friend, or simply tell someone you care about them. This is an incredible service to you and others.

When you decide to create a positive path for yourself and stay focus all is well...