Sunday, March 3, 2013

Quote for Today

"Many people who order their lives rightly in all other ways are kept in poverty by their lack of gratitude." Wallace Wattles

Bright Blessings to you all...

Breakfast and Healthy Skin

Good morning! Everyone knows that eating a healthy breakfast is exactly how to start the day with good energy and feed your metabolism so you utilize the calories and burning body fatthroughout the day. Plus, if you can get your workout in afterwards before your busy day starts, well, even better!  But did you also know how a healthy breakfast is great for your skin? Read on. Prevention magazine explains why...

10 Breakfasts for Healthy Skin

Reduce wrinkles and look younger with your AM meal

Delicious, Anti-Aging Breakfasts
There’s more to getting healthy, glowing skin than buying the perfect anti-aging skincare products. “You can put on all the makeup and concealer in the world, but unless you’re eating a diet full of beauty foods, your skin will not look its best,” says Lisa Drayer, MA, RD, the author of The Beauty Diet. Start your morning off right by whipping up these beauty-boosting breakfasts. They’re full of beauty foods that protect your skin and keep it looking young, fresh, and absolutely radiant.
Get the healthy-skin breakfasts!
Reduce wrinkles and look younger with your AM meal
undefined Here are some suggestions. Some of my favorites is Oatmeal and adding Whey protein to get a good combo of carbs and protein. Omelets are also high on the list, while I love my Yoguart, but wath out for the ones with sugar and fructose. Try the plain (higher in protein) and add your own fruit!